By following these steps you can do a validation check on a large number of required state fields. If errors are found, you can easily correct most errors on one simple screen.
- Go to the PowerSchool Start Page
- Click 'State Validation' from the sidebar on the left.
- The module will perform a scan on the building and report all errors it finds.
- Use the 'List' or 'Fix' button next to the errors to repair found errors. The goal is to get that report to show zero errors on all tabs and pages.
IMPORTANT: The State Validation module cannot check every single state filed. For instance, it has no way of knowing who is at risk or has an IEP. But it will catch those fields missing critical data such as ‘Student State ID’, and ‘District of Residence’. It also checks for some logical rules, for example, a beginning date that doesn't predate an exit date.