Below are the instructions for How to Create Class Rosters for 9/20 count day.

Change the information as you need (like the Printed Date).

  • Choose the School, Choose System Reports, Scroll to the bottom and choose Class Rosters (PDF) 
  • Select ALL teachers or just the teachers you want.
  • If you are doing this on 9-20 then choose are currently enrolled in class
  • Enter or modify the following Header:

Oxford Jr/Sr High School
Teacher: ~(teachername)                             Printed Date: 9/20/2018
Course Number: ~(course_number)
Course Name: ~(coursename)        
Period: ~(expression)        Term:  ~(termid;;if.fieldvalue.2801.then=Sem 1;if.fieldvalue.2802.then=Sem 2)        Credits: ~([2]Credit_hours)                           College/Career: ~([2]KS_KCC_CCCredits)
State Course Code:  ~([2]KS_KCC_SubjectCode)~([2]KS_KCC_Identifier)
State Course Code:  ~([2]ks_kcc_subjectcode)~([2]ks_kcc_identifier)~([2]ks_kcc_level)~([2]credit_hours)~([2]ks_kcc_sequence)~([2]ks_kcc_seqtotal)~([2]KS_KCC_Grade)~([2]ks_kcc_SPED_ESOL)~([2]Ks_Kcc_DeliveryType)~([2]ks_kcc_cccredits)

  • Enter or modify the following Roster Columns:
student_number\PS number\1\L
State_StudentNumber\State Number

  • Click Submit and save the file as something like Roster for Auditor 2018-19