Q: Can I have my personal phone, tablet, or laptop on the guest wifi?
A: If you feel you require this kind of access, we recommend a discussion with your principal. The school Acceptable Use Policy states "personally-owned devices... should not be used over the school network without express permission from IT staff".
Q: Can I bring my laptop to school?
A: If you feel you require your laptop, we recommend a discussion with your principal before bringing it to school. The school Acceptable Use Policy states "Personal laptops are not permissible except with administrative approval. When students are at school, classroom assignments must be completed on the school issued device. Students are welcome to complete homework on their own devices when at home."
Q: When can I use my cell phone at school?
A: The student handbook states "Cell phones may be used outside of class time or at the discretion of the teacher." Otherwise it should be put away with ringers and alerts silenced.
Q: Where do I go if I forgot my password?
A: First, ask your teacher if they can look up the password. Second, ask the school office if they can look up the password. Third, ask the Technology Department if they can look up the password.