There are a number of steps that need to be completed in order to fully enroll and activate a student. Many school departments depend on these steps being fully performed on each student that enrolls.
IMPORTANT: Only follow these steps after a guardian has completed the enrollment packet at SchoolMint
- Verify the student has been accepted to the school district - (Secretary)
- Sync new student(s) from SchoolMint using 'Sync to SIS' process - (Secretary)
- Assess new school fees in PowerSchool - (Secretary or Accounting)
- Set Lunch ID/Password assignment in PowerSchool - (Secretary)
- Check the State Validation module and fix errors - (Secretary)
- Check the students "Transfer Info" Page for the correct dates and entry reasons. - (Secretary)
- Submit ASGT state report for student(s) to KIDS website - (Secretary)
- Credit in PowerSchool any payments made by the parents as guest from e~Funds - (Accounting)
- Enroll students(s) into teacher sections in PowerSchool - (Counselor or Secretary)
- After #8 is complete: Assess new course fees in PowerSchool - (Secretary or Accounting)